Mission Statement des Lehrstuhls für Simulation

This is the Mission Statement of the Lehrstuhl für Simulation. It describes the principles on which it is led and the guidelines for its work.


To enhance the environment for the staff and students of the University of Magdeburg by ...

  • creating and fostering a friendly, optimistic and informal atmosphere,
  • encouraging and supporting individual development,
  • always putting people first.


To provide first-class study opportunities in the field of Simulation by ...

  • offering both practical and theoretical courses at levels from introductory to research,
  • offering comprehensive study plans which integrate lecture courses, internships, labs, and thesis work,
  • concentrating exclusively on topics that are directly applicable to current simulation practice or research.


To make useful contributions to the Science and Technology of Simulation by ...

  • developing fast, innovative algorithms for high-end simulation problems,
  • developing new user and computational models,
  • publishing results and software in an appropriate manner.

Letzte Änderung: 13.03.2012 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster