Soft Skills

This website contains organizational information for the winter term 2024/2025. You can find general information here Lehrangebot.

Soft Skills will be offered in Winter Term only, The language of the in-person lecture will alternate between German and English yearly. The video recordings in both languages are available or will be by the end of the semester.

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  • Language of face-to-face lectures winter semester 2024/25: English, recordings of all lectures are available in German
  • Lecture timing: Tuesdays 15:00-19:00 in G50-H3
  • Video recordings of the lectures from winter term 20/21 and summer term 2021 are available via the portal, please use your OVGU Shibboleth access to log in.
  • The access data for the lecture notes will be announced in the first lecture. For copyright reasons, the documents are only available to students of Otto von Guericke University. For this reason, inquiries by e-mail regarding the access data during the semester will only be answered if the sender is a university student e-mail address.
  • Exam date: ... (...)
  • The exam date is for Soft Skills I+II (110110), Soft Skills I (117036) and Soft Skills II (110368). All three exams start at the same time.
  • Registration for the correct exam/partial exam takes place via HISQIS.
  • NOTE: Both the slides and additional information given in the lecture are relevant for the exam. The exam questions can not be answered solely by the information on the slides.

Semester Schedule and Lecture Slides

The order and dates of the specific lecture topics represent the current plan and are not yet binding. The slides are from the last two semesters and will be updated if necessary, but not changed significantly.

The video recordings from previous semesters are currently available in German and can be accessed as a stream from the mediasite with the OVGU Shibboleth access data. The videos will be updated if there are significant changes in the lecture content. The English lectures will be recorded during the winter term 2024/25 and made available throughout the semester.

WeekDateTopic 1 Topic 2 
1 15.10. Einführung / Organisatorisches video / video-orga    
2 22.10. Erfolg im Studium video Lerntechniken  video
3 29.10.  Ziele 1  video Ziele 2  video 
4 05.11. Zeitmanagement 1  video Zeitmanagement 2  video
5 12.11. Präsentationen 1  video Präsentationen 2  video
6 19.11. Präsentationen 3 video Ideen generieren  video
7 26.11. Entrepreneurship 1 video Entrepreneurship II  video
8 03.12. Project Management  video Teamwork  video
9 10.12. Meetings leiten  video Die vier Seiten einer Nachricht  video
10 17.12. Erfolg I video Erfolg II video
11 07.01. Temperamente/ Testbogen video / test Nachhaltigkeit  
12 14.01. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten I video Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten II  video
13 21.01. Digital Rights video Informatik-Ethik video
14 28.01. --Keine Vorlesung--


Thema Schlüsselkompetenzen
Thema Studium
Thema Ziele
Thema Präsentation

Recommended reading

The books are located in the university library in section Y.020 (third floor left, at the beginning of the computer science department). They are exclusively reference copies! They are currently in the collection:

  • Arthur B. VanGundy: Techniques of Structured Problem Solving
  • Clayton M. Christensen: The innovator's dilemma - the revolutionary book that will change the way you do business
  • Cyril Northcote Parkinson: Parkinsons Gesetz und andere Untersuchungen über die Verwaltung
  • David Allen: Getting Things Done
  • David Allen: Wie ich die Dinge geregelt kriege - Selbstmanagement für den Alltag
  • David Keirsey: Please understand me - character & temperament types
  • Edward de Bono: Six Thinking Hats
  • Edward de Bono: Serious Creativity
  • Fons Trompenaars: Riding the waves of culture - Understanding cultural diversity in business
  • Friedemann Schulz von Thun: Miteinander reden (1) Störungen und Klärungen - Allgemeine Psychologie der Kommunikation
  • Friedemann Schulz von Thun: Miteinander reden (2) Stile, Werte und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung - Differentielle Psychologie der Kommunikation
  • Friedemann Schulz von Thun: Miteinander reden (3) Das "Innere Team"und situationsgerechte Kommunikation - Kommunikation, Person, Situation
  • Geoffrey Petty: How to be better at.... creativity
  • Hans-Werner Rückert: Schluss mit dem ewigen Aufschieben - Wie Sie umsetzen, was Sie sich vornehmen
  • Jon R. Katzenbach: The wisdom of teams - creating the high-performance organization
  • Jörg Knoblauch: - Wie Sie Schritt für Schritt Ihre Ziele erreichen
  • Julie Straw: The 4-dimensional manager : DiSC strategies for managing different people in the best ways
  • Katrin Hansen: Selbst- und Zeitmanagement - Optionen erkennen, selbstverantwortlich handeln, in Netzwerken agieren
  • Nadja Schnetzler: Die Ideenmaschine - Methode statt Geistesblitz - wie Ideen industriell produziert werden
  • Patrick Lencioni: The five dysfunctions of a team - A leadership fable
  • Robert A. Harris: Creative problem solving - a step-by-step approach
  • Schulz-Wimmer: Projekte managen. - Planegg : Haufe Verl., 2007
  • Schulz-Wimmer: Projektmanagement. - Planegg : Haufe Verl., 2007
  • Stephen R. Covey: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Stephen R. Covey: Die 7 Wege zur Effektivität - Prinzipien für privaten und beruflichen Erfolg
  • Stephen R. Covey: Der Weg zum Wesentlichen - Zeitmanagement der vierten Generation
  • Tom Sommerlatte: Innovationskultur und Ideenmanagement - Strategien und praktische Ansätze für mehr Wachstum

Both the slides and additional information given in the lecture are relevant for the exam. The exam questions will not be answered solely by the information on the slides.  Semes

Last Modification: 13.09.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster