Simulation Project

This is the home page for the course "Simulation Project" in the summer term 2025. General information on this course can be found here.

Prerequisite for participating in SimProj is successfully passing the course Introduction to Simulation, or an equivalent.


  • Lecture Timing is Mon 15:00-17:00 G29/336
  • Team meeting time slots: Mon 09-11, Tue 17-19
  • Some organizational information will be communicated through the platform, so check that regularly
  • If you are interested in participating in Simulation Project 2025 you MUST attend the last lecture of ItS in the Winter term on January 30th, 15:00-17:00 in G29-307.
    You also MUST register for this course via elearning by February 6th AND successfully complete the ItS exam. In case of too many applications, admission will be based on ItS exam results.

Information on the Current Semester

General Information

Milestone Specification

Forming the Teams

In the team formation phase, the team roles will be assigned by the teams themselves, not be the teaching staff. It is important that team leader be elected / chosen in aggreement with the whole team.

Every represents an area of responsibility, not a work assignment! The Input Data Analyst is responsible for making sure that his team collects and analyses the correct data. That does not imply that he has to do the work himself or even alone, which is not even possible in this case. Analogously is the Chief Software Architect responsible for his teams simulation program - not that he has to program it by himself. (He might not even write a single line of code.!)

Letzte Änderung: 13.03.2025 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster